Articles, tips and tools for video production. Learn how to use video to grow your business.
Can’t Find a Great Dental Videographer? Here’s Why
Everyone can shoot with a smartphone. But not every videographer can tell stories that stir emotions. Learn the difference here.
Project vs Retainer, Which is the Best Long-Term Video Strategy?
Benefits of Having a Consistent Video Presence Producing and publishing multiple new marketing videos each month provides many benefits that can signi…
The Power of Artificial Intelligence to Attract and Retain Patients
Key Takeaways 1. Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the healthcare industry, improving the efficiency and accuracy of diagnosis and treatmen…
Growing Your Practice: Why Digital Marketing is a Must for Modern Doctors
Key Takeaways 1. Digital marketing is essential for doctors in the modern era to attract more patients and enhance their online presence.2. Digital ma…
Why Healthcare Video Production is the Future of Digital Marketing for Doctors
Key Takeaways 1. Digital marketing, including healthcare video production, offers doctors the opportunity to connect with their target audience, educa…